Monday, June 25, 2018

Radical Expectations for Relationships

Sermon Audio for June 24

Yesterday I spoke to our need to have people in our lives whose views and perspectives differ from our own. We need the balance and variety of gifts they bring. We differ greatly, were created as such, and it is the power of the Eucharist that binds us together. The body of Christ, broken in love for us, should ever be our model for how we are to be in relationship with one another, with love at it's core. I asked if our egos were so delicate now that we can no longer engage in real conversation. The cultural norm today for how we are to interact with one another runs counter to the model set in scripture.

I don't post links to the audio for my sermons but am sharing today because of several requests I have had to make it available.

My apologies for not having any text to go with it. I don't preach from a manuscript or notes.

Peace and love to you all.


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